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I Returned There Yesterday And Stood Again Upon The Mountain


Two Channel Video

Presented as part of New Contemporaries 2023

Externalisation of consciousness is the key to finding beauty and beauty is the key to hope and hope is the antidote to the feeling that the world is fucked. I call out for this omniscient ‘you’ and movement becomes narration and the world is this beautiful thing.


I Returned There Yesterday And Stood Again Upon The Mountain traverses this digital sublime. Warped footage from Google earth street view establishes landscape as something not so concrete, and a space emerges where embodiment is suspended. The void opens to fill with longing, hope, dislocation, adventure.


“We aren’t as solid as we once thought. We’re embodied but we’re also networks, expanding out into empty space, living on inside machines and in other peoples heads, memories and data streams as well as flesh.”

 - Olivia Liang


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